Category Archives: Album Art
DVD – Victor Cayro
+ Mustard-In-Law
!!!!!BUY IT HERE!!!!!
This is a DVD of four collaborative performances between Mustard-In-Law and acclaimed comic artist Victor Cayro, who just so happens to have a thing about pouring mustard on himself! It was an ambitious project, editing this disc. The laughter squeezed from those who see it leaves them paralyzed in spastic chortles. Eventually, I overcame the potency and was able to weave audience members’ footage onto our own to achieve more perspectives on each glorious drizzle. Bonus menu includes a slideshow of art from Victor’s HAVE SEX exhibit, which is where one of these performances occurred. Cover art and handwriting by the living mustard himself, Victor Cayro. Released by Dubuque label Personal Archives.
Here’s a great review from someone who saw one of these mustard shows… https://www.splicetoday.com/music/ultra-sonic-love-poems
Sweet 16
Public Space One turned sixteen and held their annual art auction. This is Mustard-In-Law’s submission. 16 sprawling tracks (3.5 hours) on three clear tapes & an infinite LOOP tape, dedicated to your quest for small ‘a’ art. Compiled by Tyler for our favorite art spot, with original collage cover by Jay.

Once again, our beloved PublicSpaceOne called on the doers of do to raise funds with an art auction, and Mustard-In-Law dripped up to the plate with a six tape box set.
We provided a listening station and easy access to the contents.
The booklet was six feet long!
Although the physical release went to the highest bidder, you can download the entire 9-hours (!) of audio, along with high-quality beeps of the super-long booklets at this link here: mustard-in-law.bandcamp.com/album/dear-future  Any money made from these downloads goes straight to PS1, to keep small a art alive in our town.
Listen & weep……………………………………………
Also, I sold this glistening painting of mine.
The winner now knows everything we know, may they live forever in mustard.
Burn’n’Bread: LIVE2017
Collection of excerpts from live performances, March to August, 2017.
Side A:
6/17 at Bluelight Festival, rural Wisconsin//
6/5 at Wasted Land 2 film installation party, RADinc., Iowa City//
8/4 at Mountains of Dub, The Smokestack, Dubuque//
3/26 at Matt’s house, Indianola, Iowa//
5/1 on Leisure Screen Live! at the University of Iowa Television Studios in Seashore Hall, IC//
6/13 at RADinc.//
Side B:
7/28 at RADinc., Iowa City//
7/20 at The Lighthouse, IC//
8/2 at Monk’s, Dubuque, with special guest Victor Cayro as “The Mustard”//
The physical 30 minute tape is available only at shows. Artwork made from leftover flyers. Download includes performance shots, flyers, and audience videos.
F I R E S A U C E R 3″ (cd)
Wicked Saucery DVD
Phosphenes DVD
BBJr “Decelebrate”
Pitchin’ Sauce VHS
Awkward Portal
Mustard-In-Law “Born With A Yellow Spoon In Your Mouth”
Mustard-In-Law “Another One Bites the Mustard”
Mustard-In-Law at
Breast Imaging Center
Ylang Ylang & Cosà e CosÃ
“The Science of Separation”
I designed the art for this tape “The Science of Separation” by Ylang Ylang & Cosà e CosÃ. Released in an edition of 70 cassettes from Moldy Pizza Records, and digital version from Ailanthus.
Mustard-In-Law tape/shirt/show

Mustard-In-Law is Jay Schleidt & Tyler “Watermellon Man” Luetkehans.
We performed at Governor’s Mansion. The shirts are printed with mustard.

Each tape contains 30 minutes of sound, starting at a random spot within a playlist of improvised recordings..